# Crosswords - Angular 13

# Project summary

A simple crosswords game using Angular 13.

Best viewed on mobile phones.

How to play:

  • Click on any box to select the word to fill in
  • The starting position is always the first character box, even if you click on another box
  • Boxes turn green if the input is correct, else they will turn red
  • Enter the letters with the given characters. Characters may be repeated
  • The game is won when all boxes are green

# 🌐 Page

🌐 crosswords

# Github repository

🚀 crosswords

# Setup guide

The setup and deploy guide is up to date with version 13.0.4

  1. Install Angular:
npm install -g @angular/cli
  1. Initialization:
ng new crosswords --directory ./

The --directory ./ flag is to initialize the Angular project in the current directory.

  1. Run Angular:
ng serve

# Deploy to Github Pages

# Prerequisites

  1. Go to Github Pages at https://github.com/<github_user>/<repo>/settings/pages.
  2. Select gh-pages branch with /(root) and save.
  3. Install angular-cli-pages
npm i angular-cli-ghpages --save-dev

# Deployment

Run these commands:

ng build --prod --base-href https://<github_user>.github.io/<repo>/
npx angular-cli-ghpages --dir=dist/<repo>

# Official guides