React (Redux)
Redux vs Context
Context disadvantages:
- You can have a very complex setup and managing state with React Context can become quite complex (deeply nested JSX code)
- Performance (not great for high frequency changes)
- One store for all your state for your entire application
- Components subscribe to the store but not the other way one
- Use reducer functions for mutating the store data
- Components dispatch actions, which are forwarded to the reducer
Setting up (Node.js)
const redux = require('redux');
const counterReducer = (state = { counter: 0 }, action) => {
if (action.type === 'increment') {
return {
counter: state.counter + 1
return state;
const store = redux.createStore(counterReducer);
const counterSubscriber = () => {
const latestState = store.getState(); // gives latest snapshot
store.dispatch({ type: 'increment' });
Setting up (React)
npm install redux react-redux
Create src/store/index.js
import { createStore } from 'redux';
const counterReducer = (state = { counter: 0}, action) => {
// same as above
const store = createStore(counterReducer);
export default store;
Connect to index.js:
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import store from './store/index'
root.render(<Provider store = {store}><App/></Provider>);
In component:
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; // select a part of the state
const Counter = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const counter = useSelector(state => state.counter);
// automatically subscribe and update component when state changes
const incrementHandler = () => {
dispatch({ type: 'increment' });
Attach payload to actions
const incrementHandler = () => {
dispatch({ type: 'increment', value: 10 });
const counterReducer = (state = { counter: 0 }, action) => {
if (action.type === 'increment') {
return {
counter: state.counter + state.value
return state;