Angular v16-18
Creating signal
import { signal } from '@angular/core'
counter = signal(0);
actions = signal<string[]>([]);
Updating signal
// just takes the new value
// takes old value
counter.update((old) => ...);
actions.update((old) => [...old, 'add']);
Reading and updating signals
{{ ERROR }}
Values that depend on other signal values that are read during derivation.
doubleCounter = computed(() => this.counter() * 2);
Run code whenever a signal changes (all signals).
effect(() => );
Standalone components
- Remove the notion of NgModules from the developer experience
- Super easy to develop a fully lazy-loaded application, or migrate an existing monolithic application and make it fully lazy-loaded
- Bundle size reduced
// component
selector: "app-hello",
template: ` <div [ngClass]="{ highlight: true }">Hello World!</div> `,
imports: [NgClass],
standalone: true,
class StandaloneComponent {
// pipes
name: "capitalise",
standalone: true,
export class CapitalisePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(word: string): string {
return word.toLocaleUpperCase();
// directives
selector: "[example-directive]",
standalone: true,
class ExampleDirective {
Import into other components
selector: "parent",
template: `<hello></hello>`,
imports: [HelloComponent],
class ParentComponent {
Bootstrapping standalone components
import { bootstrapApplication }
from "@angular/platform-browser";
Reference: https://blog.angular-university.io/angular-standalone-components/